Thursday, February 4, 2010

Side Affects From Quitting Smoking

Side Affects From Quitting Smoking

Most smokers who want to quit fail because of the quit smoking side effects, eliminating nicotine from your body is very hard and the battle can be harder than you think. Most quit smoking side effects are related to the blood sugar levels. Symptoms like inability to concentrate, dizziness or headaches may usually appear in the first three or four days. The quit smoking side effects are also called withdrawal symptoms and their intensity varies with each individual. All known statistics show that ex-smokers live longer and healthier than any smoker, and this should be a strong reason for anyone to quit. The battle with quit smoking side effects is tough particularly during the first days after quitting, you may feel irritable, confused, depressed or anxious. The cause for these quit smoking side effects is the reduced level of nicotine in the blood.

Specialists say that putting between 5 and 10 pounds of weight after you quit smoking is one of the normal quit smoking side effects. The weight problem is caused by the low levels of sugar in your blood. After smoking the nicotine passes into the blood in a matter of seconds releasing sugar reserves from  the body, sugar is vital to the brain normal functioning. But the sugar passes from normal food to the blood in about 20 minutes. One quit smoking side effect is that you will feel the need to eat because your brain is asking for sugar. The problem that people don't understand is that no matter how much you eat the body will still need 20 minutes to pass the sugar to the brain, so theoretically it won't be a big difference between eating a candy or ten of them. To find out more about  smoking side effects surf the Internet or simply visit  Quit Smoking Today!

Some therapists recommend the use of nicotine inhalers, nicotine gums or patches since they release a small quantity of nicotine in the blood reducing the quit smoking side effects. Smokers who already suffer from depression or anxiety can hardly quit as they use cigarettes as a relief, in such cases psychological treatment is a must. Quit smoking side effects will be very hard to deal with for people with a stressful life, as nicotine has a relaxing effect on the human body. So in order to avoid severe quit smoking side effects the person should ask for professional help and attend ex-smoker discussions. Other quit smoking side effects which may appear include insomnia or putting on weight.

Side Affects From Quitting Smoking

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Break the habit

Many smokes fear to search for the best way to stop smoking in their case because deep down inside, they don't want to quit for a variety of reasons. The weight problem is the main argument, though in fact doctors showed that overweight is more a metabolism problem that nicotine-related one. Finding the best way to stop smoking is a challenge for everybody, it can be discovered more easily by people who have a stronger character, this is why many find quitting the hardest thing they've ever tried while others say that they simply quit without medication or any other help.

Finding the best way to stop smoking is something almost impossible because every person reacts differently to various stimuli or triggers so there are very slight chances for someone to come up with the best way to stop smoking that will help everybody. The fact is that any smoker who wants to quit must first have a strong reason to do so, it is almost impossible to find the best way to stop smoking unless you believe in it. If you ask ten persons who quit smoking what the secret is you will receive 80% different answers, this statistics simply shows how hard it is for science to develop the best way to stop smoking. So practically everyone is encouraged to use whatever methods necessary to eliminate this problem. As one best way to stop smoking, I've read about who wrote on a list all the reasons for quitting, thus every time the need for a cigarette appeared she simple took a look at the list and remembered how bad smoking is.

I consider that the cold turkey is one easy way to quit smoking though it hasn't been confirmed yet to be highly effective. This is the theoretical easy way to quit smoking and it stands valid for those who smoke like twenty cigarettes a day. It also applies to someone that is highly-motivated by some external extreme factor. Once you feel your life at risk, you take the cold turkey method as one easy way to quit smoking. Therefore such easy ways to quit smoking do work but their effectiveness depends on lots of individual independent factors that vary from case to case.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Quitting smoking

Quitting Smoking

Smoking is a serious problem for our modern society, very few smokers accept quit smoking help, as they don't see the effects that cigars and cigarettes have on their heath. It is a known fact that smokers face increased risks in contacting heart problems, emphysema and lung cancer. The truth is that without  quit smoking help for your health life can become a real nightmare, so it should be to our best interest to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Quit smoking help campaigns are present all over the world but they usually have little or no effects. All smokers suffer from the “Smoker's Denial” problem as all of them hope that they won't face the smoking problems and therefore don't need any quit smoking help. Most of them say that they will quit in time because sudden changes aren't good for the body.

The body fights back the nicotine with the quit smoking help of an enzyme that the body produces, which resembles an antibody. The more you smoke the more antibodies are produced in an effort to respond to the nicotine attack. The problem appears when the body doesn't receive the nicotine, then the antibodies won't have an enemy to fight and will fire back our organism, this is why smokers suffer so much from withdrawal crisis. Quit smoking help is needed especially in schools because more and more young children start smoking. Statistics confirm that more that four million peoples die every year because of smoking, this means that every 8 seconds somebody dies from nicotine diseases. Don't ignore quit smoking help programs, as they may change your life immensely. As a quit smoking help consider the multitude of illnesses that are inflicted by smoking: heart problems, strokes, emphysema, lung and oral cancer.

For those who need quit smoking help, try to turn to some good advice from someone who has passed through a similar situation. You will learn that you can yourself provide the psyche with quit smoking help. The perfect time to quit is right now, don't wait for your birthday or any other foolish moments, now it is the right moment, now you must quit. After you've decided to get rid of nicotine it is time to look for professional quit smoking help as fighting on your own may result in failure. A good place to  turn to for quit smoking help advice is the Internet and Quit Smoking Today! is the best place to start looking for tips and solutions to your smoking problems.

Quitting smoking

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

The problem with most smokers is that they wish to recover quickly from the nicotine damage, well I'm afraid there are very few easy ways to quit smoking. Easy ways to quit smoking exist but they are not as done-in-a-minute as they say and you will need a lot of determination and courage to succeed. The truth is that nowadays we need fast solutions to critical problems. Where can one look for easy ways to quit smoking? The most common answer would be on the Internet. High levels of stress are one of the biggest problems when you try to use easy ways to quit smoking and we must admit that usually our lives have a crazy rhythm. This is why I can't say that one single easy way to quit smoking really exists though theoretically there are alternatives. The cold turkey method is very disputed as some people have cured themselves using this technique while many others didn't find any relief.

I consider that the cold turkey is one easy way to quit smoking though it hasn't been confirmed yet to be highly effective. This is the theoretical easy way to quit smoking and it stands valid for those who smoke like twenty cigarettes a day. It also applies to someone that is highly-motivated by some external extreme factor. Once you feel your life at risk, you take the cold turkey method as one easy way to quit smoking. Therefore such easy ways to quit smoking do work but their effectiveness depends on lots of individual independent factors that vary from case to case.

It is normal to learn from the beginning that the easy way to quit smoking requires sacrifice and determination too. If you have a powerfully motivating factor like an illness caused by tobacco then your chances of success increase significantly. If you opt for one of the so called easy ways to quit smoking like acupuncture or over the counter treatments you considerably reduce the amount of the withdrawal symptoms. If you haven't decided yet which of the easy ways to quit smoking to try maybe surfing the web is a good idea and I would recommend Quit Smoking Today! To learn some tips for a healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind, however, that nothing works wonders and that easy ways to quit smoking also depend on you.

Quit Smoking

How to quit smoking

Welcome to my how to Quit smoking blog. Here you will learn how to quit smoking.